Have you ever wished you could improve the appearance or texture of your skin? Are the telltale signs of sun damage and aging becoming apparent to you and everyone looking at you? Do you think that your facial skin makes you appear older than your age? Would you like to reduce wrinkles, fine lines under your eyes, ‘lipstick’ and ‘smokers’ lines of your upper lip, crow’s feet, splotchy pigmentation, dark circles under your eyes or leathery skin texture. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then a Chemical Peel may provide you with the improvement that you are looking to achieve.
What is the cause of altered skin color and texture?
Changes in skin color and texture are usually due to the cumulative effects of decades of sun exposure, which is referred to as photo-aging. This is different from skin changes that naturally occur over time, which is referred to as chronologic aging. The extent of alteration in skin color and texture when comparing sun-exposed and sun-protected skin is correlated with the total amount of time spent in sunlight, the latitude and altitude at which sunlight was received as well as your inherent susceptibility to sunlight, which is significantly affected by complexion.
How does Photo-Aged skin appear?
Photo-aging is more noticeable when sun-exposed sites (e.g., neck, upper chest, forearms, and hands) are compared to sun-protected sites (e.g., breasts, buttocks). Photo-aged skin is pinker and darker than normal skin and its texture may be thickened or thinned. In addition, there are usually fine lines and wrinkles. The following photo is a vivid depiction of photo-aging.
What is a Chemical Peel?
A Chemical Peel is a cosmetic procedure that ‘resurfaces’ the skin in order to restore skin color and texture. The procedure removes the outermost layers – this is where decades of ultraviolet sunlight have taken its toll. Removal of the sun-damaged layers stimulates the spontaneous growth of new, healthy skin – skin that has not been subjected to decades of ultraviolet light from the sun.
How is a chemical peel administered?
Unlike the name implies, there is no actual peeling of the skin. Instead a solution is applied to the skin of the face that dissolves the outermost layers. The procedure is done in the office.
Are there different types of Chemical Peels?
Yes, peels are usually distinguished as Superficial, Medium and Deep based upon the depth and layers of skin that are being resurfaced and rejuvenated. Recuperation can range from a few days to more than two weeks. There are a few solutions used that differ in the depth to which they penetrate.
How does a Chemical Peel differ from a Facelift?
A Chemical Face Peel revitalizes skin by improving its texture and color. A facelift surgically removes excess (sagging) facial skin but it does not improve skin texture or color.
OUR OFFICE IS COMPLIANT WITH THE CURRENT MARYLAND REGULATIONS INCLUDING: 10.32.09: Delegation and Assignment of Performance of Cosmetic Medical Procedures and Use of Cosmetic Medical Devices. This is a Maryland safety regulation that governs who can legally perform medical cosmetic procedures. Dr. Green administers all injectable treatments (including Botox™, Juvederm™, Voluma™, Kybella™, and other fillers & Sclerotherapy) and laser treatments.
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