The Starlux-1540 laser is designed to emit microbeams of laser light, otherwise known as fractionated light. The two advantages of fractionated laser treatment is that it is non-ablative, therefore there is minimal or no ‘down-time’. This technology enables treatment to be administered to various sites on the body, not exclusively to the face. In addition to sun-damaged skin, the Starlux-1540 laser treats skin texture which has been altered from other causes such as post-acne scarring and stretch marks.
How is laser rejuvenation performed?
The laser consists of a beam of light which is directed into the skin in an attempt to irreversibly alter the sun-damaged epidermis and dermis. This laser-altered skin signals the body to produce new epidermal cells, new dermal collagen and hyaluronic acid.
Can other areas besides the face be treated?
Yes. Since fractionated rejuvenation with the Starlux-1540 does not produce any apparent ablation, almost any area of skin can be treated. This is unlike a non-fractionated, ablative laser in which treatment is usually limited to the face. This due to the resilience of facial skin, which allows the skin to withstand ablative rejuvenation. Non-facial skin does not heal as well after ablative rejuvenation.
How many treatments are required?
Several sessions are often required, although improvement may be noticeable after the first treatment.
Who can be treated?
All skin complexions can be treated. This type of treatment is no more ideal in those with lighter complexions than those with darker complexions, as is the case for many other laser treatments of the skin, such as laser hair removal.
What can I expect after treatment?
Your skin will become somewhat red and swollen immediately after treatment. This is anticipated to resolve in a couple of days – rarely longer.
Are there any limitations after treatment?
You may resume all activities immediately after treatment. However, you should avoid any significant sun exposure until the redness and swelling subsides (usually a few days).
“Dr. Green has been my dermatologist for nearly ten years. He has consistently provided excellent service, is NEVER in a rush to finish my procedure(s), and his charges for services are very reasonable. In my experience, it was essential to him that I completely understand the result the procedure would provide. He always listened to what I wanted and the result I believed the procedure would give me, and he thoroughly discussed the likelihood of success of that procedure. More than once, he convinced me advised against a procedure. I always appreciated his concern that I was pleased with the result of any procedure. In addition, he was always kind, professional and caring. You will never find a better doctor anywhere.”
OUR OFFICE IS COMPLIANT WITH THE CURRENT MARYLAND REGULATIONS INCLUDING: 10.32.09: Delegation and Assignment of Performance of Cosmetic Medical Procedures and Use of Cosmetic Medical Devices. This is a Maryland safety regulation that governs who can legally perform medical cosmetic procedures. Dr. Green administers all injectable treatments (including Botox™, Juvederm™, Voluma™, Kybella™, and other fillers & Sclerotherapy) and laser treatments.
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